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Lighting installation in London 

Paper Project - D.I.Y. Lighting shade


idea + interest + design = The Disigners

"I infuse a life into the motionless lighting"(sooji, 2014) 


When I visited to a carpark situated underneath a very famous park with crowded people, it was very dark and there was no movement. At that time, only artifitial lightings were flickering. It looked as if they shouted me "I want to be alive". 


Through the paper project, everyone can give a life to the lighting machinery. Each paper piece could be represented a bone, skin and vitality. When people connect all the things piece by piece, it will get a life finally. By the process of making with instructions, everyone can feel that they are "designers". Also, they will get senses of accomplishment. Of course, there is a Fun! 


I do not want to make an object for only my satisfaction, but I would like to share "design" with everyone including non-talented people.

Let's enjoy all the design things.

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Paper Project  - D.I.Y. Lighting shade


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